WARNING: The following text contains explicit information and imagery about female genitalia and related surgical procedures. Do not continue if you do not wish to see these images. These pages should also not be viewed by those persons under the age of 18.
Labiaplasty Costs
Are you contemplating a labial reduction and remodeling (aka Labiaplasty)? How much will it cost you? Do you have health insurance and if so, will your insurance pay for your surgery? Where will it be performed, in the Hospital or Surgical Center? Or the surgeon’s office? Plastic Surgeons do not like to talk about fees […]

What is the new “Labia Majora Lift” and what does it accomplish?
Labia Majora Lift (“LML”), aka “Smile Lift,” is a brand new minor surgical procedure designed and brought to market by renowned genital plastic/Cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Michael Goodman. Based on the so-called “double hockey-stick” labia majora incision first described by Polish surgeon Dr. Dawid Serafin, it is an inexpensive, easy-to-recover-from procedure where a horizontal “chevron-shaped” portion […]
The Very Latest About Revision Surgery for Botched Labiaplasty
How Do “Botches” Happen? Medically termed “Unintended Avoidable Female Genital Mutilation” and nick-named “Botched Labiaplasty,” these unintended outcomes are becoming much more frequent as well-intentioned Ob/Gyn surgeons, too uninformed to know what they do not know, sail into the uncharted waters of female genital plastic and cosmetic surgery. Not entirely to blame, these Ob/Gyns, who […]