Labia Majora Lift (“LML”), aka “Smile Lift,” is a brand new minor surgical procedure designed and brought to market by renowned genital plastic/Cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Michael Goodman. Based on the so-called “double hockey-stick” labia majora incision first described by Polish surgeon Dr. Dawid Serafin, it is an inexpensive, easy-to-recover-from procedure where a horizontal “chevron-shaped” portion […]
The Very Latest About Revision Surgery for Botched Labiaplasty
How Do “Botches” Happen? Medically termed “Unintended Avoidable Female Genital Mutilation” and nick-named “Botched Labiaplasty,” these unintended outcomes are becoming much more frequent as well-intentioned Ob/Gyn surgeons, too uninformed to know what they do not know, sail into the uncharted waters of female genital plastic and cosmetic surgery. Not entirely to blame, these Ob/Gyns, who […]