A significant hurdle facing potential consumers of women’s genital plastic and cosmetic non-surgical and surgical services is the lack of data and standardization of therapies, and training of the personnel (MD, DO or “midlevel practitioners.”) Thus, the recent major development of an online clearinghouse to guide women in their choice of a competent practitioner to both counsel, design, and perform their plastic/cosmetic gynecologic procedures, be it labiaplasty, vaginoplasty/vaginal reconstruction, or “Energy-Based Device” (laser or RF- radiofrequency) treatment(s).
I am thrilled to announce a new website dedicated to guiding patients in their quest. This site, http://www.topcosmeticgyn.com, lists the top surgical practitioners in the field of Cosmetic Gynecology internationally, lists the top training courses available internationally, and lists training standards. None of the practitioners listed pay anything for their inclusion, as this is truly an educational site for both patients, and for surgeons (gynecologists, urogynecologists, plastic & cosmetic surgeons, urologists, etc.) who wish to participate in focused training programs in this emerging specialty.
I have been honored to have been appointed to the Executive Council of this organization.
The need for information guided the formation of TopCosmeticGyn.com
The “Top Cosmetic Gynecologists” are the experts who developed Cosmetic Gynecology. The guiding impetus for this site was for the world to have accurate and unbiased information about this specialty. Unlike other specialties which emerged from traditional academic institutions, Cosmetic Gynecology emerged in the clinics of talented and innovative surgeons engaged in private practice.
The Field Has Evolved
The field has evolved to a high level since the 1990s and those who claim to practice it vary greatly in their training, education, experience and skill. Experts outside of this specialized field may lack training, education, and experience in the principles and practice of Cosmetic Gynecology and there is no established mechanism by which to judge competence for those who practice in this specialty. The Top Cosmetic Gynecologists, seek to apply appointees expertise as specialists in this field to identify individuals who are considered to have demonstrated a level of education, skill and competence commensurate at a level with which considered adequate for the practice of this specialty.
“Top Cosmetic Gynecologists” Organization
The Top Cosmetic Gynecologists (“TCG”) is organized for efficient and effective growth. Headed by the Executive Council with the largest experience and the Ranking Membership of young international leaders, and working in collaboration with the Interspecialty Task Force, liasoning between the specialties of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetogynecology, TCG evaluates and continually develops educational events, programs and standards of the highest order designed to produce new expert specialists of the highest quality to represent our specialty. These new expert specialists are appointed to the Top Cosmetic Gynecologists “General Assembly” in recognition of their high level of educational achievement and demonstrated skill in the practice of the specialty. The General Assembly is the first step in the pathway for those aspiring to the leadership level of the Ranking Membership.
The Executive Council
The Top Cosmetic Gynecologists Executive Council consists solely of the founders of the specialty of Cosmetic Gynecology. Most have been performing cosmetic gynecological procedures since the mid-1990s, are self-trained extremely talented surgeons and have developed most of the operations currently in use. All are actively involved in education and training. All are renowned virtuoso international speakers and deliver keynote presentations throughout the world. All have either written, edited, or contributed entire textbooks or chapters on cosmetic gynecology and they guide and influence the direction of the specialty.
Members of the Executive Council
- Marco Pelosi III. Cosmetic Gynecologist and Founder, Top Cosmetic Gynecologists, Cosmetic Gynecology Trainer, New York City area.
- Marco Pelosi II. Cosmetic Gynecologist and President, International Society of Cosmetogynecology,Cosmetic Gynecologist and Cosmetic Gynecology Trainer, New York City area
- David Matlock, Cosmetic Gynecologist and Body Shaper, Cosmetic gynecology and Body Shaping Trainer, Founder of the Laser and Vaginal Rejuvenation Institute of America, Beverly Hills, California.
- Michael P Goodman, Cosmetic Gynecologist, Menopausal and Sexual Medicine, Cosmetogynecologic Trainer, founder of the Labiaplasty and Vaginoplasty Traning Institute of America, Inc. (“LaVaTI®) Sacramento Capital, San Francisco Bay Area, Northern California
- Red Alinsod, Cosmetic Gynecologist, Urogynecology, Cosmetogynecologic Trainer, founder of the Alinsod Institute of Aesthetic Vaginal Surgery, Laguna Beach, California
- Alexandros Bader, Cosmetic Gynecologist, Founder and Executive Director of the European Society of Asthetic Gynecologists, Cosmetoogynecologic Trainer, London, U.K.
- John Miklos, Cosmetic Gynecologist and Urogynecologist, Atlanta, Georgia
- Robert Moore, Cosmetogynecologist and Urogynecologist, Atlanta Georgia

Acknowledgment: A portion of the text in this Blog is borrowed from TopCosmetic Gyn site, written by Marco Pelosi III