WARNING: The following text contains explicit information and imagery about female genitalia and related surgical procedures. Do not continue if you do not wish to see these images. These pages should also not be viewed by those persons under the age of 18.
A sequel of difficult childbirth or a vaginal/perineal tear from childbirth can create an unusually “open” vaginal orifice, which can lead to irritation from tight clothing, self-consciousness and diminished sexual enjoyment.
A plastic procedure to remove the scarred or lax opening, repair and elevate the perineum is called perineoplasty.
Perineoplasty produces a normal approximation of the lax vaginal opening and elevates and tightens the thin muscles of the opening for visual pleasure ans to diminish the situation where the penis or toy simply “slips out…” Adding a “vaginoplasty,” a functional and cosmetic modification of the old “posterior repair” operation, further approximated the levator musces and re-builds the pelvic floor (see description of “Vaginoplasty” in this section)
Before After