WARNING: The following text contains explicit information and imagery about female genitalia and related surgical procedures. Do not continue if you do not wish to see these images. These pages should also not be viewed by those persons under the age of 18.
Vaginoplasty (Tightening and Rejuvenation of the Vagina for Vaginal Laxity)
An enlarged vagina is frequently a problem after childbirth, especially after multiple children, vaginal delivery of a large baby, or a difficult delivery. The specialized surgical tightening and rejuvenation of the vagina, perineum (vaginal opening) and supporting muscles is called vaginoplasty. Many women with grown children are now seeking renewal of vaginal tissues, both to increase their “feeling” and sexual satisfaction and to enhance the sexual experience they have with their loving mate.
Dr. Goodman’s procedure is similar to “Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation (TM)”. A Vaginoplasty (usually combined with a perineoplasty, discused elsewhere in this drop-down menu, involves repairing and strengthing the “pelvic floor” (bottom of the vagina,) and re-approximating the “levator” muscles, the “bastion of the vaginal floor…” Surgery can only re-approximate; it takes committed post-surgical exercises to strengthen these muscles. A surgeon who only operates without teaching and instructing how to strengthen these muscles is leaving half the work undone. In our office, a specialized pelvic floor exerciser (the APEX pelvic floor stimulator) is included as part of the surgical fee, and patients are personally instructed in its post-operative use by Dr. Goodman.
Dr. Goodman incorporates a classic 3-layer closure, the “gold standard” for a vagino/perineoplasty. Here, after any existing scar tissue has been removed, 1-2 sutures are placed into the fibrous covering of each of the 3 levator muscles, re-building the floor. Second, the attenuated fibrous layer ( “recto=vaginal fascia”) is strengthened and re-aproximated as a covering over the muscles, further thickening and strengthing the floor, “…holding it all together.” The vaginal skin and opening is closed as a third, “covering” layer, repaired with smaller, less irritating surures, covering the strengthening work below. Make sure your surgeon utilizes a “3-layer” approach!
Learn more about Vaginoplasty – www.vaginoplastysurgeon.com
Find out more about Dr. Goodman
Read patient testimonials by Dr. Goodman
Before After
44 y.o. “reinventing” herself at midlife with vaginal reconstruction, FemiLift, and labia majoraplasty
52 y.o wished to :…tighter and look younger.” Vaginal reconstruction.
48 y.o felt “open and “sag” and wished more sexual friction. Vaginal reconstruction.
38 y.o. 3 kids, not feeling as much with sex. Vaginal reconstruction + FemiLift + O-Shot
40 y.o.in new relationship and wishes to be tighter and have hemorrhoidal skin tag removed. Vaginoplasty + tag removal.
28 y.o 3 children wished to look and feel more “pre-babies…” Vaginal reconstruction + linear LP + removal of hymenal skin tag at opening.
37 y.o. wished to be “trimmer and tighter” at opening. Perineoplasty + minor LP